
May 2015 Business

There Are No Answers, Only Questions

Effective conversations have never been easier to have then when you stop talking.
May 2015 Business

Can Buying Groups be a Lifeline for Your Business?

Everyone knows there are many differences between box chain stores and private practices. How are they different?
May 2015 Business

What Is Your Story?

In a lot of ways, patients don't just buy eyeglasses anymore—they buy your business's story. That means companies must constantly refine their stories and present them in innovative ways.
April 2015 Business

Spring Clean Your Business

Spring-cleaning is about starting fresh. By applying this mindset to your business, you can return your business to a healthier, livelier, and more profitable state in no time.
April 2015 Business

Step It Up: Engage and Energize

Have you ever been frustrated at the lack of commitment or enthusiasm in your office?
April 2015 Business

Finding Our Future

Recently I was asked to speak to a group of 7th and 8th grade girls at a STEM awareness conference.
March 2015 Business

Valuable Tips for Decreasing Remakes, Part Three

Proper frame fit begins with a proper adjustment.
February 2015 Business

Opticianry on the Move

The beginning of every year, usually late January or early February, the OAA (Opticians Association of America) brings all of the State Associations together for a Leadership Conference. Las Vegas was the meeting place this year from Feb. 5 – 7.
February 2015 Business

Fundus Among Us

"You're not going to dilate my eyes, are you?"

I hear that at least once a day, every day. It's the fear response of the wary patient handing over his or her paperwork or making the way back to pretest, offered defensively or aggressively, a desperate plea for clemency from the optometric executioner.
February 2015 Technicians

Valuable Tips for Decreasing Remakes, Part One

A major contributor to controlling costs is controlling lens remakes. Remakes cost your business a lot of money, not to mention the hassle for the patient and the staff.

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September 2024

September 2024

Job of the Week