By Jillian Urcelay

JU: Akoni Group sets itself apart with its high-quality materials and expert craftsmanship. This is especially prevalent in the Akoni Eyewear line. What was your original direction for the independent brand, and how has it evolved with each collection?
Before founding Swiss luxury group Akoni Group, I spent an intensive experience in the high-end eyewear industry. During that time, I dreamed of bringing a truly uncompromising collection to market with a new business model. Our own brand Akoni Eyewear is the realization of that dream and exemplifies our commitment to preserving and advancing the heritage of eyewear as a distinct art form unique in its confluence of fashion and technology.

The Akoni Eyewear collection demonstrates a deep reverence for the past and an unbridled passion for the future. With “Swiss Precision and Japanese Artistry,” timeless designs harmonized with traditional techniques and advanced technologies result in an organic evolution that’s subtle yet profound. We eschew obvious branding for custom design elements that quietly yet powerfully communicate our brand identity and values. Like all great civilizations, each season’s designs build upon those that came before them while simultaneously taking a bold step forward.

With Akoni Group and our fashion partners Balmain and Valentino, we applied the same dynamics of a specialty brand keeping the standards high with a strong attention on materials and engineering to reach excellence.

As you mentioned, your group also distributes high-end luxury brands Balmain Paris and Valentino. How do you ensure that each brand’s eyewear collections pair seamlessly with their other accessories such as shoes and handbags?
Your question is a good one and requires a bit of backstory for context. Before Akoni Group became involved with Balmain or Valentino, both great houses endured years of third-party licenses resulting in eyewear that wasn’t comparable in design or quality to the brands’ other key accessory categories such as handbags and shoes. Realizing that it was time for a change, the trick was to find a partner whose culture, capabilities and vision were in alignment. Already familiar with key members of our talented and experienced team, both Maisons knew that Akoni Group possessed the unique ability to authentically translate and imbue their iconic brand DNA into genuine high-end collections comparable to the best on offer from the finest eyewear-only brands.

You produce all of your eyewear collections in Japan. How does this distinguish your frames from competitors?
Akoni Group views the act of creation as a multi-faceted, organic process. Philosophically, our design code is rooted in traditional Japanese aesthetic principles emphasizing simplicity, proportion and scale. When it comes to production, we utilize the techniques and technologies best suited to achieve the optimal result. Sometimes, traditional ways are best—other times, modern technology yields the better outcome. But often, harmonizing traditional with modern produces a finished product exhibiting the most beauty, purpose and soul.

We manufacture exclusively in Japan, which is the eyewear equivalent of manufacturing watches in Switzerland—recognized globally as one of the best in class. Japan has been producing the world’s finest eyewear for over 100 years and is quite literally one of the few countries in the world that possess the necessary materials, craftspeople and technology capable of producing luxurious eyewear to our exacting actual standards.

Crafting eyewear the way we do is challenging, costly and time consuming, but we’re passionate about our products and experience.

The Akoni Group brands currently retail in a very exclusive distribution network. What aspects are you looking for when partnering with optical shops to carry your product?
Our distribution model is highly selective and mirrors the standard of excellence to which Akoni Group holds itself in every aspect of its business, which is to say, we’re interested in the quality of doors not the total number. Our goal is to work only with customers who share our passion for design, craftsmanship and quality. Fortunately, we’re not alone in this vision—our Akoni, Balmain and Valentino collections are available in premium doors throughout more than 50 countries worldwide.

In terms of the company’s future goals, do you plan on creating more independent luxury eyewear brands, or is the aim to work closely with additional established design houses?
Akoni Eyewear is our personal project, and we look forward to nurturing and developing the collection now and in the future. As our carefully curated collection grows broader and deeper with every passing season, it’s natural that our brand will be stronger, and it will be presented with a clear identity, also considering an evolution and launch that we are planning for fall/winter 2024.

As to working with other design brands, success breeds opportunity. It was our success with Balmain Eyewear that led to the opportunity to work with Valentino to reposition the heritage Maison's eyewear category from fashion accessory to luxury fashion accessory.

As to what the future holds, we remain open to all possibilities and look forward to seeing what tomorrow may bring, but Akoni Group is open to scouting interesting brands that share the same vision and can be part of our passionate project. ■