We were so pleased that 2020 was going to be OUR year here at 20/20. And then… COVID hit… hard. But in spite of the crush of isolation and the crippling wave of challenges, we pushed on realizing our role as a community of hope and prospects was more important than ever. And within that focus on doing what we always do and doing it better than ever, there was the issue of “issues” per year. For well near three decades, 20/20 has delivered two issues in every September and March. And although part of that formula was tied into EXPOsure at Expo East and West, it was decided that the double up would happen even if live events were completely on hold. That said, please take a moment to recall our double issue months for September 2020 and March 2021. And we intend to keep that positive and doubled up face covered ONWARD.
–James J. Spina